It’s early on Sunday morning and there is a bit of snow
falling outside. I love a bit of snow I do.
I’ve put a joint of beef in the slow cooker ready for dinner
this evening and I am chuffed with myself cos I washed and ironed all the girls’
school clothes for tomorrow, yesterday. So today will be spent mostly swanning
I am going to try and write about what is going on inside
Ady’s brain. It is quite a muddle in there so this little blog might be a
muddle too while I try and unravel everything.
Ady and the girls are all sleeping at the mo. I doubt any of
them will get up until about lunchtime! But that is nice cos it gives me lots
of peace and quiet and thinking time.
Right, back to Ady....
His mind is in a bloody mess, frankly. We have laughed and
joked our way along our journey, taking the piss wherever we go. He has been
very upfront and honest about all aspects of his symptoms and side effects, sometimes
to the point of too much information for some people! Especially when he does
things like telling friends he is just off to the loo to straighten his piss
pad up. But, it has made him and me, much more approachable, and these days,
people don’t hesitate to ask how he is, which is nice.
The thing that Ady doesn’t discuss so openly with others is
the amount of woe and angst he is going through. He talks to me all the time
about it when we are on our own. He has spoken to our GP about it, who has
offered him counselling, but Ady isn’t that keen. He worries that they might
say something that conflicts with what I have said and leave him in more
turmoil than before. I completely understand that although I have suggested to
him that he keeps it in mind and someone different to talk to might help one
In a way, the cancer has been a walk in the park compared to
his arthritic pain. Apart from the operations, the cancer has never been
painful, but now he is in constant pain and it is getting him down, a lot. Poor
Ady is losing his spark.
Last year, when he was declared cancer free and his
arthritis flared, he really struggled with that. He felt OK telling people he
had cancer, they understood why he wasn’t working, and Ady was fairly OK with
not being able to work, but now, he has ‘just arthritis’. He feels like a fraud
and that he should work through the pain and get back to work.
He is absolutely riddled with guilt about the amount of time
he sleeps (which is a couple of hours in the morning and the same in the
afternoon) and tortures himself with constantly thinking he is being lazy and
giving up.
He watches the news about shirkers, and thinks he is one of
them and used to often say, “I must get on, and get back to work”
This whole government and media attack on ‘workers’ and ‘shirkers’
is doing the likes of Ady no good at all. I totally understand that the welfare
system needs a shake up. I agree in principle with what they are doing but the
way they are going about it is very worrying indeed.
Ady is constantly worried that he will have to go for an
ATOS medical and they will tell him he is fit for work and although he goes on
about getting back to work, he knows really, that there is no way he can. Just
pottering around the house playing with his chickens and sorting out the
firewood leaves him reaching for the morphine bottle!
One morning, I was up very early and was going off to the
Saturday market to get meat and veg, then coming home, put that away, pop round
to get Brian up and then going on a 20 minute drive to get betty in the bath
before coming back to get Steph up to take her to drama, picking her up again
and round to Brian’s to do his lunch visit.
Ady had got up for one of his many wees and had come
downstairs to have a drink with me.
He said that he feels terribly guilty that I am going off to
work when it should be him. The poor bloke could hardly keep his eyes open and
just had to go back to bed. He said he lays there worrying that I am holding
the fort and then he worries that I will get fed up with it and leave and then
he worries that I might have a accident and then what would he do, how would he
manage on his own?
He thinks this every time I go out of the door. Christ, how
bloody tiring!
He constantly worried that people are judging him about his
arthritis and that perhaps they think he is milking it, just to stay off work.
Of course, those that know him well know that it is far from the truth. He
worries that on a good day, he walks to the shops to get hay for his chickens
and people will be watching him and gossiping that there is nothing wrong with
him, and then get reported for being a shirker.
He worries about how much morphine he is taking and he
worries about all the other medication he is on. He worries that he is letting
everyone down. He mainly worries that he is being a lazy git.
His worries are eating away at him.
What he forgets, is that he has been through two cancers and
at the end of the month, he will probably be diagnosed with a third (although
not as serious but it is still another bloody cancer). He has had two major
surgeries 12 months apart. He also has his underactive thyroid, high blood
pressure, diabetes, anxiety and OCD mixed in with crippling psoriatic
arthritis. His ankle joints are just rubbing bone on bone with lots of heat and
inflammation all over his feet which has now spread to both of his heels and
radiating up the backs of his legs. Oh, and on top of that, he pisses himself
and is still suffering from the side effects of his radiotherapy.
Every morning, I have to bandage his feet. Without them,
when he walks, they just collapse and the pain is crippling. I haven’t even
mentioned about the pain in his lower back and the top of his shoulders and his
left wrist...and the silly bugger is worrying about what other people think and
getting back to work *rolls eyes*
I have noticed that Ady is losing his spark. The pain is
very draining. When he is in pain, it makes him that bit more depressed and
anxious and when he takes the morphine on top of his other pain medications, it
makes him feel bad that he is becoming too reliant on them. What do you do ??
Although we have always joked our way through the day, I now
follow Ady’s lead and only take the piss when he does. Sometimes, he just isn’t
in the mood.
We do a lot of talking and I do a lot of listening and give
lots of reassurance. I dont know what else there is I can do to make things
better for him. I really really wish that there was something, but I spose I
just need to ‘be there’.
My heart breaks for you both. Prisoners of a system that promises support for those than cant and help for those than can. Nowhere does it say "suspect anyone who needs help or support" and clearly encourages others to do the same. I'm so sorry. anon old bag xx