Ady was home and made the most of resting. Lots of people came to visit and some took him out for a drive and to the pub.
He couldn't drive himself for 5 weeks, so I drove him around in the car and he drove me around the twist, but , we managed to get through the next week of waiting until we went for the results of the histology report on the offending colon piece.
We saw lovely Mr B and his team and they gave us to good news that the cancer was contained within the colon wall and that he needed no further treatment and they would give him six monthly checks with either a blood test or scan....bloody hell, what a spot of luck, we thought, and walked out of the hospital a very happy and relieved couple indeed !!
Ady continued to recover very well all through Christmas and into the new year. We were able to enjoy Christmas for two reasons, the first one being that most of the presents the children had and the food we were eating, was paid for from the kindness of my online friends with love to shop vouchers and the second one was that Ady was OK. He had been through an ordeal which was pretty harrowing, life threatening and bloody scary, but he was out the other side all in one piece (minus a bit of colon of course) !
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